Liliana Porter Reality Play @Les Abattoirs

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★ Untitled Shadow, 1969


🖤 this work caught my attention while passing by it - it looked like it is a shadow indeed and i started looking around to see what casts the shadow. Nothing, it was a drawing on the wall.
_my instant reaction was to take a selfie with the shadows, being a shadow myself - thus, i loved the interactive part of this work, not to mention that it still interesting and fun today
_stayed in the room for a while to observe how the other visitors were looking at it - all of them took different photos of themselves interacting with the shadows :)


Exhibition introduction:

Les Abattoirs presents the first retrospective in France of the artist Liliana Porter (born in Argentina in 1941, living in New York since 1964). With some one hundred works on display, the exhibition takes the viewer on a voyage through her art. Gathering together past and recent works, it brings to the fore a new generation of female artists who have redefined the boundaries of conceptual art and transformed the poetic form of the installation.

Annabelle Ténèze, Director of Les Abattoirs
Lauriane Gricourt, Curator at Les Abattoirs


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