Sound jams: reversed words

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Hello there! I am glad you are passing by and considering becoming a contributor to this sound publication! Here is what is this all about:

I would like to invite you to take part in a collective sound-based publication making. It's title is [reversed words] and it will collect words that we would like to take back. Caution: yes, it might be a sensitive topic and could bring some painful memories - if you are not in a state to get there, better take care of yourself and come back here later <3

If you, however, are still interested, go on reading.

This experimental project aims at reflecting on the things that we would like to take back. Things that we said to someone and regretted doing it immediately. Or things that someone told us and hurt us. Here are a few questions as a start - please, think about it and take some notes:

_reverse [my] words

Think about the last time you said something to someone (you love or not), that was hurtful. Did you want to take that back right away, but it was too late? Did you apologise immediately, or you were so shocked of yourself that you kept silent. In what moment did you say that? Why? How did you feel?

Now, write these words down.

_reverse [your] words

Think about the last time someone said something to you that was hurtful. What did they say to you? Do you know why they said it? Did they apologise immediately? Or later? What did they say? How did you feel? How do you feel now?

Now, write these words down.

_what's next?

Let's play with these words now! Let's release them out there and heal ourself from them. Let's acknowledge the lesson learned. And move on. And create something out of it.

If you want to join this project, you can do (one of these) two things:

_contribute with an audio recording

Make an audio recording of the words you wrote down (you can say them or sing them, or whisper them...) and send it to me at aenikolova at gmail; or over some of the chats (telegram, whatsapp, viber) if we're in touch there.
Also, please, write to me if you want to be credited (if yes, how to write down your name) or would rather keep it anonymous. You can record it in any language you want (but pls also send me a transcript).


_contribute with text

Send me in writing the words you wrote down and send it to me at aenikolova at gmail; or over some of the chats (telegram, whatsapp, viber) if we're in touch there.
Also, write to me if you want to be credited (if yes, how to write down your name) or would rather keep it anonymous. And please, send me the text in English.

_your gifts

This whole experiment will be an audio publication that I will mix, edit and export. I will add effects and will play a bit with the content, so it's highly possible that your voice will not be recognisable.

You will also get a small gift at the end: besides the sound publication, you will receive a small square digital illustration of your contribution.

Thank you!
By sending me your contribution, you give your consent that it will be used to be published.