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Hello, world! This is Ål Nik :)

Welcome to my documentation & collaboration space. This Wiki is created to give space for keeping a record of my artistic practice and to collaborate with fellow artists on projects. Happy to have you here!


I have just installed this Mediawiki, so bear with me - it's a work-in-progress. In other words, the situation is "coming soon".


At the moment, I am working on some research projects and topics. Here they go:


Sound Jams: Method of Producing Collective Sound-Based Publications [working title] is an exploration of experiments for collaborative making of sound publications. This is my XPUB master graduation project. I am working on a handbook presenting a method to produce and publish collective sound-based publications. This hands-on guide will explore an applied method of deep listening sound jams by inviting people to participate in a collective sound-making and publishing process. By sound jams, I understand any facilitated process of sound-making and publishing that includes more than one person. The reader - an artist, educator or even a collective - will hold in their hands a collection of practical instructions on how to do the activities themselves. Find out more here:

sound jams
sound jams documentation


This topic is brought from my frustration of living in such an insecure state. However, there are also exciting and positive sides of constant change. Thus, I am excited about experimenting and researching all the aspects of the current way of living - not knowing anything about the future and always on the edge of making the ends meet. During the last Summer, my friend and classmate Supisara and I made some experiments on this topic. See here:

a tiny illustrated glossary of precarity