Marina Abramović @Stedelijk Museum

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Marina Abramović's retrospective exhibition is taking place between Mar 16 and Jul 14, 2024. I visited it on the 30th of March and did not catch any of the live performances, unfortunately.
The visitors were invited to restrain themselves from taking photos, thus for this one I have only one photo, but will share some highlights and sketches I've made to document some works for myself.

Over 60 key works spanning five decades trace the development of the prolific oeuvre of the pioneer of performance art: from her early work, created in former Yugoslavia and in Amsterdam, to the pioneering performances with her partner Ulay and works from her solo practice, in which she is still active today.
The survey features photos, videos, sculptures, and live reperformances of four iconic performances that will be staged in the Netherlands for the first time: Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful (1975), Imponderabilia (work with Ulay) (1977), Luminosity (1997) and The House with the Ocean View (2002). As a visitor, you are invited to take part in two performances: Work Relation (work with Ulay) (1978) and Counting the Rice from the Abramović Method.

